Thursday, September 15, 2011

It's 3:15am and I'm wide awake (F*@k!)

For the last 2 months or so, I haven’t been sleeping well.  There are days I sleep great and can get up to 6 hours STRAIGHT!  But for the most part, I average 6, with waking up in between hours.  Maybe I’m anxious about something???  I have no idea what though.  Or maybe my mind knows that the boys are asleep and the house is quiet and I could have some serious “me time” and I shouldn’t waste it sleeping.   I could be watching Hoarders or rereading Breaking Dawn.  But I didn’t clean the kitchen last night, telling myself I’ll have time to do it in the morning.  But my alarm is scheduled to go off at 6am so I can meet my friend at the lake for a morning run (we meet 2 to 3 times a week.)  And I usually get back around 7:30am, pack lunches, help Bobby get the boys dressed, try to find something for them to eat for breakfast, take a shower, and leave the house by 8:25am to drop off Harrison at school.  But tomorrow (or today, I should say) is my first official workday at the preschool.  (I will be working on Thursday and Friday mornings, since I have 2 that attend.)  So maybe I’m awake because I have so much to do and that I really should have cleaned the kitchen last night and at least semi-pack Harrison and Alex’s lunches?  So now I’m seriously thinking of staying awake to clean up.  But once I do that I won’t be able to go back to sleep and that means I’ll have only gotten 4 hours of sleep.  Hmmm.  I should go back to sleep.  I really should, especially since I’ve been on the border of a migraine this week.  (I have this awful, constant headache along with off and on nausea.  I get migraines every now and then but this one hasn’t blown up into a full one yet.  So 4 hours of sleep could really trigger it for me.)  But I am so wide awake though and I just keep thinking of all the things I could get done right now!  Maybe even bake the boys some fresh muffins?  (The ones I baked the other day came out a tad burnt on the edges, but the boys have been great and have been eating just the tops and centers.)  Hmmm.  Okay.  This is what I’ll do.  I’ll go lie down for a while, maybe read.  And if I can’t fall asleep within an hour, I’ll get up and clean.  We’ll see what happens.  Goodnight!  (And good morning!)

1 comment:

  1. Maybe take sleeping agents? Like pills? or something to sorta knock you out so you don't have a choice in the matter. I don't know, but I think that getting 8+ hours of sleep is important for your health and sanity.
    I have the opposite problem in that I could sleep too much if I let myself.
