The good thing about not being able to sleep tonight? I was able to hear Alex fall out of his toddler bed. Luckily, he wasn’t hurt and he didn’t cry. I helped him get back in bed and realized that his pajamas were soaked. Bobby didn’t put on his diaper very well so it leaked. So I managed to change his diaper and pajamas while he was in bed (he did wake up briefly) with only the night light to help me see (I didn’t want to turn on all the lights and wake up Harrison and Will.) And lucky even more, his sheets weren’t really wet. (A tad damp but I would have to really wake the boys up to change the sheet.) So I laid a blanket under him and put another on top of him. He went back to sleep and Harrison and Will stayed asleep. So I managed to find something good about my insomnia.
My kids have fallen out of the beds - with a loud thump. And by the time I run upstairs to check on them, they are back in bed, sound asleep like nothing happened. It's weird how they can sleep through that.